Top Of The World In Vegas

After fourteen days of holidaying, stays in four different hotels, hundreds of miles of daily driving over three states, and vowing to never again fly Delta, we celebrated the final night of our vacation with dinner 106 floors high up in the revolving restaurant at the Stratosphere tower on the strip. This was originally our plan on the first night but wisely delayed it once we realized our body clocks would have their own say in the matter - thankfully it was easy enough to book a table within the same day, and with little traffic on the road made it just in time for our 7:45 p.m. seating. We did opt to wait half an hour for a window-side table to open up and coincidentally there was a bar lounge one floor higher where we could have a drink to wait. Once we did get seated it was at one of the few circular tables that had more space and felt more private than the rest, making the meal even more relaxed. I've been to two other revolving restaurants at this point and have to say Top Of The World is the best one yet, though after the initial excitement of being there - it's still a thrill to have a skyline view that changes every minute - I lapsed into one of my ennui-induced, sullen moods that threatened to mar the occasion. It for me has always been a personal battle I encounter and try to overcome every day and which has been a test on our relationship for a while now. It doesn't help that it causes reactions to reactions that if not properly put into context always lead to more serious discussions, which is exactly what happened that night. Luckily as the dinner wore on we veered the discussion to more interesting matters like philosophy and family dynamics causing my attention to perk up and become more interested. Before I knew it it was already half past 10 when we left to go back to our hotel for a short but good nights' sleep before our flight early morning. 

Las Vegas is a fantastically rich, spirituality-bankrupt, eternally light-filled, sad little town filled with all kinds and colors. The next time I set foot there again will be a long while from now and if I get lucky in many respects hope that it will also be on top of the world. 

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